5 weeks left.
Well, today is transfers. They are giving our area to the sisters and I am going way out to Mococa! Kyson, have you seen that milk? I am going to the company. :). I will get to my area Thursday.
I will be companions with Elder Passos. I already know who he is and I think that this transfer has potential....

We decided to make pizza this week. Ham and Pineapple. That is not a flavor that they have in Brazil. We rather enjoyed it. It was fun to make it.
I also love to eat my açaí for dessert
We also did service project in a members house. I put cement on the walls so that they could paint over it the next day. It was really simple to do.
My companion.
I am finally into my last transfer... Let´s see how well this goes.
Elder Koby Sullivan
3/20/2016 a note from Elder Sullivan's friend:
hello sister, here's some pictures of your puppy for you kill the homesickness. * - *
hahaha love it.

3/30/2016 from Rayanne!
A birthday party on the day before my last transfer.
Photos taken by a friend, Rayanne, who sent them to my parents on facebook.
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