Last P-day
Yup. I´m here on my last pday. I have several plans for the week, but basically I am done working and the rest is traveling from place to place until I get to Piracicaba and then home :)
I am trunky até o pó. I am trying to get the last little bit into my area before I leave. Until now, it is going really well. We finally got our book of mormon survey up and running and now the members are all working really hard to earn that pot of cookies that I offered for the winner. It is working really well and the referals are racking up. I´m grateful that I could do something with this ward before I left. However, I will be home before I can see the winner. Hehe.
I had a good birthday. Unfortunately, the Brazilians have a horrible tradition to throw eggs and flour on the head of the birthday guy..... I was not happy. But the next day the gave me a barbecue with cake and they washed my clothes, so it is forgiven.
I really don´t have much to say, but I´m coming home!
Elder Koby Sullivan